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Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 0004:

   I feel the need for a disclaimer. I swear I don't only think or talk about boys. Boys just happen to be acting stupid towards me lately. I guess you could call this perfect timing...
   I have a few select guy friends that have dramatic tendencies. They don't go for shock and awe, nothing like that. They're just drama queens when it comes down to it.
Case study #1 - Brandon:
   I don't text very often. I'll send one text, then go do something and not answer my phone for at least 15 minutes or so. I text a lot of people, but the frequency of my responses usually unnerve them. I'm especially like this when I'm around other people. I like to focus on the person or activity at hand, and answer my texts later. In my opinion, if it was important, they'd call. If I don't pick up and they leave a message, then I know it's important and excuse myself. But until that point is reached, I leave my cell phone in my purse or pocket. Brandon gets offended when I don't text him first. He'll wait until late afternoon to text me something like, 'Thanks for not texting me. Hope you have a great day...' I would calmly explain that I get busy and that my not texting him frequently is purely habitual and is nothing personal. He less than calmly says, 'This just goes to show that you don't think about me. I'm not important enough to you.'
Case study #2 - Chris:
   He is one of those kinds of guys that is flirtatious. I personally don't think there's really anything wrong with that. I myself am very flirtatious without even trying. I'm affectionate with everyone that I'm friends with, whether they be male or female. This tends to get me into trouble. But that is besides the point at hand. Chris will send me affectionate text messages. Call me pet names, and tell me he misses me. He just recently sent me a text saying 'If you were here we could cuddle' I tried to be funny by saying, 'Technically, I could cuddle with anyone; even a stranger.' He didn't find that very funny. He got offended. 'Well, I guess you don't need me.' he responded. I explained that I was trying to be funny and wasn't trying to be mean. Attempts to restore what I had done were in vain. He's still whining about it.
   I have found that guys seem to take things more personally than girls. A break up that will affect us as women for weeks, affects them for months. I know a few guys that still look on our dating career together with bitterness. I never understood this.
Discussion piece:
   I believe that guys take things more personally than girls when it comes to relationships or the lack thereof. Have you seen this in your life? Do you agree, or disagree? Please share examples...I'm far beyond the point of 'a little curious'.

Monotonous Me

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