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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 0002:

   Does anyone want to hear about my date? No? Good; because it didn't happen. The gentleman bowed out an hour after he was supposed to pick me up. Oh well.
   Hence my first discussion piece for guys:
   Why do guys ditch dates so often?
   Does anyone know? If so, please share with the class. I, for one, am baffled by how often my friends and I are stood up. I mean, they are beautiful, intelligent young women, who are really fun to be around. Granted I'm not a guy, so maybe our ideas of fun are different, but I don't think they're too far off...
   My first female discussion piece:
   How many of you have been ditched? What was the given reason? Did you believe them, or not?
   I'm curious as to see how many crazy excuses us women are given. I've had the following excuses:
* I'm tired, or I fell asleep (all day long?)
* Work is making me stay late (that's usually a decision given to most workers, isn't it?)
* My parents want me to do some work around the house (I thought you said you were 23?!)
* My Mom is sick (and you have to stay home to make sure she doesn't go anywhere???)
and my favorite:
* Something came up (Like what?!)

Please indulge me with your input/stories. This should be interesting...

Monotonous Me

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