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Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 0001:

   To honor my first ever post on a blog that is all mine, I am celebrating, by sitting in bed, in my pajamas, un-showered, and reeking of sleep. What an exciting day this should prove to be...
   Alright, so my life isn't actually that boring. I'm staying at my friend's house out of state for a month. That month started June 20th, so needless to say, my month is almost up. Staying in Utah isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be (no offense, Katie). I was picturing a lot of hypocritical 'Sunday Christians' with a 'holier than thou' attitude. Don't get me wrong; I'm sure they exist here, just like they do everywhere else, but I have yet to meet anyone like that where I'm staying. I also pictured girls running around trying to get hitched in such a hurry that they ditch all subtlety and sanity. It is not so. I only know one girl here who's engaged, and she is one of the most awesome women I have ever met. Her fiance is pretty awesome, too. I pictured sticking out like a sore thumb, as well on Sunday. New girl without a Utah accent, quiet, not familiar with all the inside jokes, sitting by herself kind of obvious. Surprisingly, I wasn't the only new kid. About 6 people's records were read into the ward that same Sunday.
   There were a lot of differences about going to church here than in Minnesota. I have to drive about 45 minutes to an hour to get to church back home. I have to drive 25 minutes to get to church here, and that's with all the construction going on. My ward back home on a good day has about 20 people show up. Here, there are about 20 activity planning committee members. Here in Utah, it's bigger, closer, and always getting new members. Back home, it's small, farther away, and has had the same members since it was formed, who knows how long ago.
   Some of you may be wondering why I'm spending a month in Utah of all places. When you get down to it, life is hard. It kicks you around. Sometimes it even leaves you for dead. I went through a divorce. I know I'm not the only one this has happened to, and I'm part of a majority...but when something like that happens, you feel all alone. Suddenly families you never thought twice about seem perfect. After all, they're still together. They have kids and do things together on a regular basis...what do they have, that you didn't? What are they doing right that you must have missed? Why does their love for each other overcome obstacles that yours didn't? These are some of the millions of questions that swim around your head (for those of you lucky enough to never have gone through a divorce). These questions and others are what I'm here looking for answers to. I'm here looking for myself. Since Katie runs a day care, I have a lot of time to myself when I want it. I get to do basically whatever I want between the hours of 8am (I'm usually asleep at this time) and 5pm. Needless to say, I have a lot of time to think about whatever I want. I have made a lot of self-liberating discoveries about myself. I have figured out things that have been bothering me. A lot of profound thoughts for someone not used to having this much time to herself.
   Well, I have a date in about an hour, and I don't think he would appreciate showing up to what appears to be a hygienically challenged 20 year old woman. 

Monotonous Me

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