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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 0011:

   We are in the midst of Autumn, here in Minnesota. I'm sitting at the dining room table, looking out the window. My parents are in the kitchen taking out our windows and cleaning them thoroughly and then putting them back up. That means that while they're down, there is no pane in and no screen. I could jump out the window if I so desired. The breeze coming in is nice and cool, and it smells like all Autumns should; crisp, cool, and there is a very subtle hint coming from our neighbor's apple tree.
   Autumn isn't my favorite season, but I love the colors, the excuse to wear cute sweaters, the bonfires and Halloween. I feel like I've come to appreciate all seasons, even though I definitely have my favorite, and least favorite season. For instance, winter is my least favorite season because of the cold and such, but I love how the snow is so pretty and how is sparkles in the sunlight. I love Christmas, and I love the excuse for hot chocolate with mint flavoring and cuddling up with a friend or significant other in a warm blanket. I love how the evergreen tree's branches are weighed down by the heavier snow. It looks awesome, and you sometimes get to see the snow fall off, and it leaves a large amount of snow that dances around like a life-size snow globe. Spring isn't my favorite season either, but I love the green, and the new life everywhere in the plants and animals. I love how everyone's spirits are lifted in Spring. It's like an excuse to be happy and relaxed. Summer is my favorite season. I love how warm it is. I love walking to beaches in shorts and tank tops and just jumping in. I love the excuse for having picnics, and eating ice cream in the park. Laying out a blanket at night and star gazing. Camping is much more enjoyable in the summer as well as going to parks and playing on swings and jungle gyms. Yes; I am a little kid at heart.
   I'm interested to see what your favorite seasons are and why they're your favorite season?

Monotonous Me

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