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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 0007:

   I went to a pool party yesterday. I showed up a few hours early to help Bradley set up. We cleaned the pool (who knew pools had vacuums?) and got stuff from Wal-Mart for the grill. We swept off the table and chairs that were outside and set up the playlist. It took all the time we had to get ready. I was way excited for the party to start!
   A lot of people showed up. There was Chris, Spencer, and Lauren (Lauren planned the party) and Todd (who the party was thrown for). Stacie showed up with a watermelon for pool watermelon football. Joey (a slightly autistic female) and three other people who's names escape me. Later two of Stacie's roommates showed up as well as a couple. I never heard the girl's name, but the guy's name was Greg. Mike and his friend showed up as well as Adam and his girlfriend Jaycee. It was a full house!
   We did lots of different things. We swam and ate hamburgers (obviously), and played 21 and jumped on the trampoline. There was lots of socializing in and out of the pool. Finally, we ended the night with a grand finale game of pool watermelon football. I originally didn't want to play, but my friends Adam and Jaycee convinced me to. Bradley explained the rules, and I was on the team of 4 against 5. I am not athletically inclined, to say the least. I was bad at this game. I did happen to grab it and throw it towards Jaycee. Then I swam closer to the side of the pool where our team could score. I turned around just in time for the watermelon (which was thrown by Greg) to hit me in the face and chest.
   I immediately started crying and got out of the pool. Every guy present at the party asked if I wanted a glass of water and apologized and asked if I was going to be alright. I said 'yes' dutifully and sat down and focused on breathing. My chest really hurt like it was going to bruise and it hurt to breathe. I got a headache and proceeded to become very confused. According to Adam, I came back in the house after putting my stuff in the car and was looking for my pants. I asked him about 3 minutes later what I was looking for. At that point he decided to drive me home. Before I could leave, Bradley got his Dad who is a doctor to look over me. He checked my heart beat and asked me what I was feeling. Then he told me that if it hurt too bad to breathe later that night to go to the hospital, but for the time being I was alright. I went to the car to try and drive myself home, and realized I couldn't do it. I went back inside and got Adam and Jaycee.
   They drove me home and I was fine. We all tried explaining to Katie and Dave what happened as Katie got me some off-brand ibuprofen. When Katie repeated what we told her, I realized how stupid of an idea it was in the first place.
   So, my question today is what have you done, that seemed like a good idea at the time, and ended up regretting it? Was it a game, or something that made sense in your head, that when stated out loud sounded ridiculous? Was it said out loud before, or after you tried said idea? This should be good...

Monotonous Me

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