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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 0013:

   Today's post is going to be short and sweet. I've noticed (as well as some of my friends) that when you don't go looking for love, or a relationship, or a boyfriend/girlfriend, that you end up with one. When you go looking for it, it finds a way to elude you. Very well, I might add. After my last break up, I decided to just enjoy single life and let what happens happen. A few weeks later I ended up with a boyfriend. Not just any boyfriend. This man is amazing. I was totally captivated and sucked in right away. Not in the "Wow, he's really hot" kind of way (though he is super attractive), but in the "I've never seen anything like you before" kind of way. I don't know what it is, but everything feels different. This guy is a real game family is gonna freak out when they read this...
   Today's question is how you know when you're in love. I've loved a lot of people, but I don't think I've really fallen in love. Does that even make sense? When you found the guy/girl you were gonna marry, how did it feel? Did you 'just know'? Did everything make sense? Did you picture the two of you years from that point? What happened? I mostly want to hear input because I need!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 0012:

   A lot has happened since I last wrote. I started and ended a relationship, and started a second one. I dated around here and there as well. I am currently reading a book called Better Single Than Sorry: A No-Regrets Guide to Loving Yourself and Never Settling By Jen Shefft. Jen won the 2003 Bachelor and starred in the 2004 Bachelorette. She's got a lot of experience under her belt. The relationship decisions I've made in the past 5 months were all based on what I thought was right and best for me. Reading this book has just helped me see that I really did make the right decision, and still am. The section that I just finished reading is called What You Want Versus What You Need and it talked largely about making a list of things you need and want in a future husband, and continuously states that if you have most of your wants and all of your needs met, then you're doing great.
   I was thinking about my needs and wants and trying to make sure that my current boyfriend isn't directly influencing it. If he influences it, it's because he meets my "criteria" of sorts. Not because I'm changing to satisfy him. For demonstration purposes, here is my rough draft...

*Must be an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
*Has to be able to keep up with my conversation and "smart humor"
*Respectful, loyal, and trustworthy
*Needs to love me, and love being around me, but not in a suffocating manner
*Must love cuddling and kissing

*Good looking
*Nice job established
*Passionate about what he wants
*Own a car
*He should want a family...or at least a pet
*Taller than me and muscular
*Dresses well
*Older than me

   Keep in mind, this is just a rough draft. It's not finished yet. In fact, I don't think it will ever be finished. But I do think that it's a pretty good start. The man I'm dating now fills all those needs and most of my wants. Will this relationship last, or turn into something more than it already is? I have no idea. If it does, awesome. If not, I'll be ok. As long as we're both happy and on the same page with the important stuff, we'll be dating. The best part of this whole thing? It's no one's business who I date and for how long. As long as I'm happy, that's all that matters.
   Now for the question of the day: What is on your personal wants and needs list? You don't have to divulge your whole list for everyone in the world to see, but what are some vital things that your partner must have? Are you still looking for that person? Are you married to that person? What are some wants that may seem silly, but you still hope for? Let's see where this conversation takes us...